Announcement of Lifeline Chaplaincy Summer Interns

By David Martin

For the fourth year in a row, Tarrant County is hosting interns in our local hospitals.  This year’s interns are Sarah Ritchie, Molly Minor and Paul Figel, all students from ACU.  They are energetic and eager to learn.  Paul is pre-med.  Molly is majoring in Speech Pathology, and Sarah is a nursing major.  None are planning to be chaplains, but all are entering some area of medical care or rehab.  In our training, they are learning how to listen more emphatically, and to recognize spiritual distress.  Further, they are taught how to provide spiritual support and comfort.

During the summer, they will visit:  Cooks Children, Plaza Medical, Mansfield Methodist, Harris Methodist, and John Peter-Smith (JPS).

JPS is a level one trauma center and the interns have been invited to shadow the ER chaplains one evening in addition to their regular rounds in that facility.

One week in June, they will serve as counselors for Camp Star Trails.  This camp serves pediatric cancer patients and their families in a beautiful location near Brenham, Texas.

All of these activities stretch the participants, both mentally, spiritually and physically.  Please keep them in your prayers.

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